Welcome! How can I help?

I'm professional freelance book editor, writer, and proofreader Jean Kavich Bloom. While collaboratively working with other publishing professionals and authors, I help make . . .

  • the written word clear and editorially excellent at several different levels.
  • an author's vision, story or message, passion, and insight shine with their full potential for intended readers.

At the bottom of this site's pages, see some upcoming releases and recent releases of books I've had the privilege to edit. Then the tabs down the right side will take you to information you might want to have, as well as a free content offer for writers and aspiring editors. Thanks for stopping by!   

Upcoming Release

Upcoming Release
Disciple Them Like Jesus by Barrett Johnson (Bethany House Publishers - September 2024)

Upcoming Release

Upcoming Release
Healing for Every Heart in Adoption by Betsy S. Kylstra, Lisa C. Qualls, Jodi Jackson Tucker (Chosen Books - November 2024)

Recent Release - #20 (of 50) on the Christian BestSellers list for July 2024

Recent Release - #20 (of 50) on the Christian BestSellers list for July 2024
Hope After Church Hurt by Joe Dobbins (Chosen Books - June 2024)

Recent Release

Recent Release
The God Who Hears by James Merritt (Harvest House - March 2024)

Recent Release

Recent Release
Dream Brave by Wai Jia Tam (Chosen Books - January 2024)